Introduction in wood joinery (ENG)

När: 11 november
Var: KKV GBG, Sockerbruket 44, Snickeriet, våning 5
Kl 09:00-16:30
Antal deltagare: 8
Kursledare: Jaron Vandevelde, epost:
Pris: 1063kr Pris för medlem i KKV GBG: 950 kr
Sista anmälningsdag: 27 oktober

Kursinnehåll: I am offering a one-day wood joinery course that equips participants with essential skills and techniques for creating strong and beautifully crafted wood joints, enabling them to master this art of woodworking with confidence and precision.

This course is not considered to be a “driving licence course”. A selected amount of tools and machinery will be explained.

Vad ingår? Tools and material to practice will be provided.

Förhandskrav: The course is open to everyone, with no requirement for prior knowledge. Member and non-members are welcome.

Kursen hålls på engelska.